CG130 Drawing & Design Fundamentals


(or The Unmistakable Truth About Light Striking Form in Atmosphere)

The exercise was to explore shape and form with 3 Values - Black, White, and Gray. To do this we were given some glamor photographs from the 50s which we covered with a piece of Bienfang Parchment 100, and proceeded to block in two Values (Black and Gray) leaving the paper itself to represent White. We broke down the photographs which were in grayscale into their cooresponding Darks, Mids and Lights... with Values 1, 2 or 3 being assigned to White, 4, 5 and 6 Mids (Gray), and 7, 8 and 9 to Black. What we found was that a great deal of life and energy could be displayed with just these three fundamental Values.

Some of the Value Studies I did appear below.