AD100 Applied Color Theory


Color Seasons - Color Temperature

Major color forms looks like Seasons:

Clean Tints = Spring
new grass, opening buds

Pure Colors = Summer
Kentucky Bluegrass, Golden Wheatfields

Rich Shades = Fall
Oranges, reds, browns, golden yellow, rich purple

Mellow Tones = Winter
Gray, muted, Low Chroma, Low Saturation


Color Temperature

We are biomechanical creatures, and our eyes have to constantly refocus as we travel into or away from objects in the world around us. Colors entering our eyes also causes us to refocus, and this gives us the feeling of something either moving towards us, or away from us.

Warm Colors
fire, sun
red, orange, yellow
Tend to advance

Cool Colors
sky, water, plant, grass
blue, green
Tend to recede

Warm frequencies unfocus our eyes in the same way as something nearing us causes them to refocus, thus giving us the impression that they are coming toward us.

Cool frequencies work in the opposite manner, unfocusing our eyes the same way as something retreating from us would cause us to refocus, and thus gives us the impression of moving away.

[Side Note:] When trying to balance Color Temperature,
it takes 85% Cool Colors to balance 15% Warm Colors.